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Daily Devotion

October 9, 2024
Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.
Ephesians 4:21-24

What has the Lord shown you?

Paul is urging believers to live out the transformation that comes from knowing Christ. The foundation of Christian transformation is the truth found in Jesus Christ. His life, death, and resurrection serve as the standard for how we are to live. He is the embodiment of truth that we learn from. The "old self" represents our former sinful nature—habits, behaviors, and thought patterns that are opposed to God’s ways. This verse speaks to the ongoing process of repentance, where we intentionally reject sin and the selfish desires that lead us away from God. The "new self" is described as being created to be like God, in true righteousness and holiness. This is the essence of our new identity in Christ—we are being remade to reflect God's character. It’s an ongoing journey of becoming more like Him, growing in righteousness and holiness.

How do you obey it?

  • Guard your mind: Be intentional about what you expose yourself to—what you watch, listen to, and think about. Avoid negativity, ungodly influences, and anything that corrupts your mind.
  • Seek to reflect God’s character: Actively choose to live in a way that reflects God’s righteousness—make decisions that honor Him, treat others with love and respect, and pursue holiness in your thoughts and actions.
  • Walk by the Spirit: Galatians 5:16 tells us to walk by the Spirit to avoid gratifying the desires of the flesh. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead and empower you to live out your new self daily.
  • Embrace your new identity: Remember that in Christ, you are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). Live in the confidence that God has created you for righteousness and holiness.
  • Pray for a new mindset: Ask God to transform your mind and give you a fresh perspective on life that reflects His will.
  • Meditate on Scripture: Regularly spend time in the Bible. Let God’s Word reshape your thinking and align your thoughts with His truth (Romans 12:2).


Reflecting on this, I see that it is my mindset that needs continual renewal. Without this internal shift, the external changes are unsustainable. It prompts me to ask: What is shaping my thoughts—God’s Word or the culture around me? Am I allowing God’s truth to continually refresh and renew my perspective on life, others, and myself? I am reminded that this new self is not something I create on my own—it is created by God. I am called to live it out by His grace and power. It’s a daily decision to clothe myself in this new nature, to live in a way that honors God and reflects His character. This means choosing integrity, love, patience, and humility in everyday life.


Heavenly Father, Thank You for the truth that is in Jesus, the truth that transforms my life. I praise You for revealing Christ to me and teaching me through Your Word. Help me to live in the light of this truth each day, surrendering more fully to You. Lord, I ask for Your strength and grace to put off my old self—the sinful habits, desires, and thoughts that lead me away from You. Expose the areas of my life where I am still clinging to my former ways, and give me the courage to let them go. I repent of all that does not align with Your will and ask for Your cleansing and forgiveness. Father, I pray that You would renew my mind. Transform my thoughts, attitudes, and perspectives so that they reflect Your truth and Your love. Fill my mind with things that are pure, holy, and righteous. Let Your Word shape my thinking, and help me to guard my mind against anything that would draw me back to the old way of life. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, enable me to put on the new self that You have created for me—a life marked by righteousness and holiness. I desire to live in a way that pleases You, reflecting Your character in my words, actions, and relationships. Make me more like You, Lord. Thank You for this new identity in Christ. Help me to walk in the freedom and power of this new life every day, trusting in Your grace to guide me. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

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